Moon Essence ™ Blog

Moon Essence ™ Blog

The Secret of Steaming and Sex

The Secret of Steaming and Sex

So, you want great sex? I don’t know too many who don’t. In our last blog we talked about eating your way to great sex, but now let’s go direct to the source. When people think of pelvic steaming, t... ...more


February 16, 20222 min read

Why Steam After Hysterectomy?

Why Steam After Hysterectomy?

When I talk to women about the benefits of pelvic steaming, I often encounter women who will try to cut the conversation short. “I’ve had a hysterectomy. It’s no longer an issue for me.” Well, just ... ...more


August 04, 20212 min read

Infection Solutions Without Antibiotics

Infection Solutions Without Antibiotics

The increase in heat during the summertime often brings pesky infections for women who are prone to them. You go to the doctor. They test you for (insert infection here – yeast infection, bacterial v... ...more


July 21, 20215 min read

How Pelvic Steaming Relieves Endometriosis Symptoms

How Pelvic Steaming Relieves Endometriosis Symptoms

In recognition of Endometriosis Awareness Month, I am highlighting how to support your body if you struggle with endometriosis. Last week we looked at food to support your body. As a refresher, endom... ...more


March 10, 20215 min read

How To Get Rid Of Cramps In 30 Minutes Or Less

How To Get Rid Of Cramps In 30 Minutes Or Less

The number one thing that brings women to my practice is, you guessed it – cramps. Cramps are inconvenient. They steal our focus. They slow us down. For some of us, they even cause us to miss work. ... ...more


February 24, 20213 min read

Why Vaginal Steaming Is Your Best Defense Against Cysts

Why Vaginal Steaming Is Your Best Defense Against Cysts

It is very common for women to experience cysts. Many women don’t even know they have had cysts because they don’t have any clinical symptoms to alert them to the presence of them. Women who experienc... ...more


February 17, 20214 min read

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