Moon Essence™ Blog



How Pelvic Steaming Relieves Endometriosis Symptoms

March 10, 20215 min read


In recognition of Endometriosis Awareness Month, I am highlighting how to support your body if you struggle with endometriosis.

Last week we looked at food to support your body. As a refresher, endometriosis is the result of blood stasis or stagnant qi. Because the blood doesn’t have the normal flow it is supposed to, a negative response is triggered in the immune system due to endometrial cells appearing “out of their lane” in other parts of the body.

Warming the body to support blood flow, decreasing inflammation and increasing circulation are critical to relieving symptoms of endometriosis.

Pelvic Steaming and Endometriosis

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – pelvic steaming (also known as yoni steaming or vaginal steaming) is one of the best supports for women suffering with endometriosis in addition to making key dietary changes.

Why is pelvic steaming so important?

If blood and qi are “stuck” or stagnant, steam gets everything moving!

The medium of steam is highly energized water – it stimulates circulation. Steam itself is warming which increases blood flow to the entire pelvic floor. 

With the right blend of herbs, you can nourish the blood as well as improve circulation.

The 1:2 Combo To Knock Out Symptoms

Forgive the boxing metaphor (I love boxing!) but the combination of chinese nutritional therapy AND pelvic steaming yields amazing results. I am living proof of how the two of these used in concert can change your quality of life.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it.

I have worked with many clients with endometriosis supporting them with symptom relief as well as fertility support. There is nothing that makes me more excited then when I get the news my clients who are trying to conceive get pregnant!

Client Experience: Endometriosis and Pelvic Steaming

“I began working with Adrienne shortly after laparoscopic surgery in which I had quite a large ovarian cyst removed and doctors confirmed that I indeed had a significant amount of Endometriosis. 

I had long suspected an endometriosis diagnosis after years of terrible cramps every period, bloating, digestive issues, ovarian cysts, abnormal bleeding, and cycles that were just all over the place! I had also been trying to conceive for over a year and was feeling very nervous about this diagnosis in terms of fertility. 

The answers I was getting from my doctors were that there was still a chance I could get pregnant but there wasn’t really much to do about the endo symptoms since I had it in places that were not safe to remove surgically. The advice was to take high doses of pain killers before and during my period and hope I don’t need more surgery. 

I didn’t really like this plan and thought there MUST be something out there. Shortly afterward I somehow came across steaming on the internet. At first I thought it sounded a little strange, but I thought “why not give it a try?” 

I decided to book a consult with Adrienne because of her background with endometriosis and fertility support. I wanted someone who really understood endo and who could help me with managing those symptoms, as well as offer some insight into how this could potentially help fertility. 

When I booked that first consult I wasn’t sure if it would end up being some wacky thing or if it would end up being something I’d be interested in. I do not exaggerate when I say it turned out to be one of the very best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. 

I was blown away by what I learned about my own body in that initial consult. Adrienne is a wealth of knowledge and had so much great insight into how to address my endo issues and get me on the path to be in optimal health for getting pregnant. It offered me so much hope and I listened to everything she said! 

For about three months I was steaming and incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine into my daily life with Adrienne’s guidance. During the first month I saw improvement in my digestion and the endo bloat was pretty much non-existent. This was mind blowing! 

Each period got more predictable and most significantly, less painful. (For the past couple of months prior to steaming I was at the ER every period because I couldn’t manage the pain on my own) By the third month my cramps were so mild I barely noticed them. I also felt I had more energy during my period and less digestive issues that usually came with that time of the month. 

After the third month it was time to start trying to conceive again. This was exciting but a bit nerve wracking. 

To my surprise after the VERY FIRST cycle of trying again I became pregnant. I could hardly believe it happened that fast, I took so many tests just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming! 

I am absolutely sure that with the combination of steaming and introducing TCM into my life that this got my body into a healthy state to be able to conceive naturally. I am so thankful that I came across steaming on the internet that day and got connected with Adrienne. 

I will 100% be steaming again postpartum and am a true believer in steaming. I am actually missing it because I found it so relaxing! 

I wish I could tell every woman who is struggling with endometriosis, whether they are interested in getting pregnant or not, about steaming. I highly recommend working with Adrienne especially if you are looking for support with endometriosis and fertility.” – L.R.

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