Moon Essence ™ Blog

Moon Essence ™ Blog

Yin Deficiency Diet

Yin Deficiency Diet

Most people are familiar with the Yin Yang symbol but do you really know what it stands for? The symbol is really beautiful. It represents the idea that two opposite characteristics can exist in harm... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy ,Menstruation

August 02, 20232 min read

Blood Is More Than Iron

Blood Is More Than Iron

In our Western culture we are heavily focused on iron levels in our blood, but from an Eastern perspective, the ability of the blood to do all of its jobs is more than just iron. Your body needs lots... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

June 22, 20223 min read

Why Does Spleen Qi Deficiency Matter?

Why Does Spleen Qi Deficiency Matter?

For those of you who work with me this blog probably has you nodding your head because we have gone in depth on this topic because it is such a challenge for so many women. For those of you who are u... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

April 20, 20223 min read

Dinner and Dessert: TCM Perspective for Great Sex

Dinner and Dessert: TCM Perspective for Great Sex

“Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about you and me…” Other than this being a great quote from a Salt-N-Peppa song, that’s exactly what we are going to do. Who doesn’t want great sex, am I righ... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

February 02, 20223 min read

Digestive Harmony With Backyard BBQs: TCM Perspective

Digestive Harmony With Backyard BBQs: TCM Perspective

Summer time backyard BBQs abound! As we transition out of COVID restrictions into more social gatherings, what better way to spend time together than grilling outside! With BBQs, digestive upset ofte... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

July 07, 20212 min read

How To Eat For Summer: A TCM Perspective

How To Eat For Summer: A TCM Perspective

Happy Summer Solstice Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I am grateful for the longer and warmer days and the colors of everything in bloom. Summer is the season of the TCM Heart. This is more tha... ...more

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

June 23, 20212 min read

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