Moon Essence ™ Blog

Moon Essence ™ Blog


The Secret of Steaming and Sex

February 16, 20222 min read


So, you want great sex? I don’t know too many who don’t.

In our last blog we talked about eating your way to great sex, but now let’s go direct to the source.

When people think of pelvic steaming, they think of periods, but you can steam your way to more pleasurable sex as well.

High Vibes All Around

Steaming is high vibe water. It changes its state from a liquid to a gas with increased vibration. 

Just think what that high vibration does to YOU when you sit over it?!

  • It increases circulation!

    • Circulation is a critical part of a pleasurable sexual experience. Everyone needs it! No erections or sensitivity and engorgement can happen without healthy circulation.

  • It increases lubrication!

    • If you struggle with personal dryness – steam. Not only do the herbs you steam with help you produce your own natural moisture but steaming right before sex helps you stimulate the paraurethral glands so you can secrete more of your own natural lubrication.

  • Relaxation

    • Steaming before sex helps get you out of your head and into your body. There is a grounding and relaxing quality to this practice. Some say they feel kind of sleepy after, but with all that blood flow in the pelvic floor, things come to life with a lot less effort.

Balancing of Yin and Yang

Remember in our last blog we talked about the important balance and interplay between Yin and Yang sexual energies for intimacy?

You get that same balance with steaming. The yang energy is hot and energized (that’s the very definition of steam) and yin substance is both the moisturizing quality of the medium (the steam itself) and the moisturizing qualities of the herbs in the steam.

Warmth in the pelvis and the right nourishment direct to the source is the perfect synergy for a great sexual experience. 

Clients report 

  • More interest in sex

  • Heightened states of arousal 

  • Increased sensitivity

  • The ability to orgasm where they couldn’t before pelvic steaming. 

  • Decreased pain/pressure during penetration

  • Increased erection quality (harder erections that last longer)

  • Some clients with healthy sex lives have reported changes in the intensity and experience with their orgasms.

So, what are you waiting for? See what steaming can do to make your life a little hotter.

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