Moon Essence ™ Blog

Moon Essence ™ Blog


Why Steam After Hysterectomy?

August 04, 20212 min read

When I talk to women about the benefits of pelvic steaming, I often encounter women who will try to cut the conversation short.

“I’ve had a hysterectomy. It’s no longer an issue for me.”

Well, just because you are no longer bleeding, the uterus is only one part of your pelvic floor. There are more benefits of steaming beyond the uterus and its function alone.

Why Consider Pelvic Steaming

Your uterus is connected to other structures in your pelvis through a complicated system of ligaments. Even the bladder and the rectum play a role in holding the integrity of your pelvic structures in position.

When you have a hysterectomy, you remove part of this intricate support system.

Without one of the most important structures in the pelvic floor, conditions like vaginal prolapse or bladder prolapse increase.

Pelvic steaming lifts, tightens and tones by the very nature of the medium itself. Add the properties of the herbs you steam with into the equation, and you have a great system for aiding in the prevention of these forms of prolapse to occur.

Steaming After Hysterectomy

I work with many clients who try steaming after hysterectomy for relief of the feeling of heaviness or pain during sex that can be signs of prolapse.

Some clients start seeing their bladder control falter after surgery and even with intervention like a bladder suspension, they still don’t have full control over their function.

I have seen great success supporting women who are experiencing prolapse as well as those who have had intervention regain control and integrity in their pelvic floor function.

One client shares “I knew my bladder control wasn’t perfect before steaming. I would leak a little while walking long distances or on uneven surfaces ever since my full hysterectomy. Even with a bladder suspension, I had some improvement, but it wasn’t drastic. Vaginal steaming once a week has changed that. If I miss a week, I know it! My results last about two weeks before I start feeling like I lose control again.”

While I always suggest the support of a pelvic physical therapist in times like this, the use of steam along with pelvic PT has incredible benefits for the client.

Think of your steam session as the “warm up” before exercise. Steaming before doing exercises at home or in your appointment with your practitioner helps you get better results from the work you are doing.

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