Moon Essence™ Blog



Blood Is More Than Iron

June 22, 20223 min read


In our Western culture we are heavily focused on iron levels in our blood, but from an Eastern perspective, the ability of the blood to do all of its jobs is more than just iron.

Your body needs lots of resources in order to function optimally. Let’s take a look at how to best support your blood.

Working Tired

Think about the last time you had 4 hours of broken sleep and had to drag yourself into work for an 8-10 hour day. 

You are groggy, tired and doing just the bare minimum to get by because you don’t have enough energy for much else. Complicated tasks get moved to your “to do” list for the next day and you keep watching the clock for quitting time. 

Now let’s think about the last time you felt well rested. You had 8 hours of solid deep sleep and you wake, without an alarm, feel refreshed and ready to take on your day. You get to work with bounce in your step and you tackle those complex tasks with a clear head and drive. You walk out of work that day feeling like a rockstar because you accomplished your task list and then some.

This is the difference between well resourced blood in the body and under resourced blood.

When your blood is under resourced you feel tired, lethargic, foggy headed and like you have to “will” your body to move through the day. Sound familiar?

When your blood is well nourished you are in the flow. Well resourced blood not only makes you feel healthier but your period arrives with fewer/no symptoms and just empties as it’s supposed to.

Food Is Medicine

In Eastern traditions, food is medicine. With the right building blocks the body makes robust blood and you feel like you have the “fuel” to accomplish things.

When people are anemic, for example, fatigue is a big factor. Iron isn’t the only key ingredient in blood it’s just the one we measure for the most in the Western lens.

Including blood building foods on a regular basis in your routine will make a big difference in your energy levels, drive and period quality throughout the month.

Blood Building Foods

So what kinds of foods make such an impact on your health and wellbeing? Here are some of the things to be mindful of in your diet, especially if you are a bleeding body.

I know this statement isn’t going to be popular if you are vegan, but the healthiest menstruating bodies eat animal products. There are certain building blocks you can only get from animal products that your body needs to thrive.

This said, you don’t have to be a carnivorous animal. You don’t have to consume a lot to hit an optimal threshold.

Bone broth in a veggie soup, eggs or fish are all great ways to get some animal products in. Many of my vegan clients can at least switch their veggie broth for bone broth in their veggie soups and they can feel a difference.

You can also take a desiccated liver supplement if you really can’t stomach the idea of eating animal products. You will feel stronger and have less issues with your menses – trust me.

Foods to include:

  • Apricots

  • Beef

  • Cherry

  • Eggs

  • Dandelion

  • Dates

  • Figs

  • Grapes

  • Kale (be sure to lightly sautee minimum)

  • Kelp

  • Kidney beans

  • DARK LEAFY GREENS (Yes, it does require all caps. It moves the blood AND feeds it)

  • Liver (if you can’t eat 3oz once a week, refer to the supplement I mentioned above)

  • Longan Fruit

  • Nettle

  • Sardines

  • Sweet rice

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