Moon Essence™ Blog



Why You Want To Steam Post Menopause

April 28, 20213 min read


Post menopause has arrived. You are finally finished with that “pesky” monthly bleed. It could be a year or maybe its been many years since you have made that life transition into your non-bleeding years.

If I don’t have a period, why do I want to steam? 

Steaming isn’t just for menstruating women. It has far reaching benefits for women in every phase of life. 

Considerations for Post Menopausal Women

One of the biggest challenges I hear from post menopausal women is about vaginal atrophy. 

Vaginal atrophy is a thinning and drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls that is common as the body has lower levels of estrogen. This thinning and drying can make intercourse painful.

Another common challenge is insomnia. You are past the “power surges” stage with hot flashes and night sweats, but now, you are experiencing sleep disruption. 

An ancient Chinese physician, Zhang Jing-Yue wrote “Sleep is yin and ruled by the spirit. If the spirit is quiet there will be sleep. If the spirit is not quiet there is no sleep.” 

In Chinese medicine the spirit and the mind are connected and inseparable. Addressing sleep issues is a calming of spirit as well as support of the body.

Some women experience phantom pain or cramping sensations as if they are going to get a period long after they stop menstruating. Pain and decrease in libido are issues that many post menopausal women struggle with due to hormone changes.

Why Steam?

Steaming helps with the integrity of your pelvic floor. Whether you have had a hysterectomy or you are finished with your bleeding years, these organs need some love to stay in position.

Steaming as a medium as a lifting, tightening and toning effect before you even add herbs to the equation. 

Herbs add additional benefits to the practice. With the right combination of herbs, you can support the tone of your organs, strengthen against a wide range of prolapse (bladder, uterine, rectal) and optimize circulation.

Steaming makes skin more supple. Remember what we discussed about vaginal atrophy with the change in estrogen levels? Having supple skin means intercourse is more comfortable. Steaming also supports your natural moisture production so you are less dry during arousal and during the day.

In Chinese medicine the proper flow of Qi is a big part of healthy sleep. Steaming helps the proper flow of blood and Qi in the body. 

Steam is a powerful agent for delivering herbal properties that help with Yin Deficiency bring the heat in the body down as well as supporting the balance of fluids.

Steaming acupuncture point Conception Vessel 1 (CV1) as we have discussed in other blogs helps calm the body-mind re-establishing ease as well as nourishing blood supporting healthy sleep.

No more phantom period pains! You are done bleeding – you should be done with the unwanted symptoms too. Steaming increases your circulation so you have no way to experience “stuckness” or stagnation that creates pain.

Steaming helps fight and prevent infections. It is common to see infections sneak up on women in this phase of life, even when you don’t typically have a history of them. While there are naysayers in the online community who will attack this point and say that steaming changes pH etc. Contrary to this assertion, steaming does not cause infections. Steaming gives you a way to manage and eliminate infections without the use of antibiotics.

With the right herbs and session duration under the guidance of a certified peristeam hydrotherapist, steaming will help kick infections and prevent them from coming back. 

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